Level N5 is the most basic
JLPT N5 Vocabulary
Kanji Pronouncia- Meaning
ページ peeji page
下手 heta not good at something
ベッド beddo bed
部屋 heya room
辺 hen side, part, area
ペン pen pen
勉強 benkyou to study
便利 benri convenient
Level 5 has 800 words. You need to learn 800 words.
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Vocabulary of JLPT N5
JLPT N4 Vocabulary
Kanji Pronouncia- Meaning
あ a Ah!, Oh!
ああ aa Ah!
挨拶 aisatsu greeting
間 aida between
合う au fit, suit
会う au to meet
青い aoi blue
赤い akai red
赤ちゃん akachan baby, newborn
上がる agaru to go up
明るい akarui light, bright
赤ん坊 akanbou baby, newborn
秋 aki autumn, fall
開く aku open
空く aku empty, has space
開ける akeru to open
上げる ageru to rise
朝 asa morning
朝ご飯 asagohan breakfast
あさって asatte the day after tomorrow
朝寝坊 asanebou a late riser
足 ashi leg, foot
味 aji taste, flavor
明日 ashita tomorrow
明日 asu tomorrow (polite)
あそこ asoko over there
遊ぶ asobu to play
温かい atatakai warm
頭 atama head
新しい atarashii new
あちら achira over there (polite)
暑い atsui hot (air)
厚い atsui thick
後 ato later, after
貴方 anata you
兄 ani older brother
姉 ane older sister
あの ano that (over there)
あの ano well, then
アパート apaato apartment
浴びる abiru to take a shower
危ない abunai dangerous
甘い amai sweet
あまり amari not so
雨 ame rain
洗う arau to wash
有る aru to be, to exist
ある aru to possess
歩く aruku to walk
あれ are that one
Vocabulary for JLPT N4
Vocabulary of JLPT N5
Updated 21 Feb 2016, 25 June 2012
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