Thursday, August 31, 2023

Learn Urdu - Lessons and Videos


Interesting Lesson

Learn Urdu Lesson 1 - The Urdu alphabet

Urdu Alphabet Book - Interesting Presentation

Dinesh Verma

Chanda Books, 25-May-2011 - Urdu language - 40 pages

This book introduces the basic alphabet of Urdu. For each letter of the Urdu alphabet, it provides the closest English pronunciation, the name of the alphabet and a word beginning with that letter, or a word containing that letter. It also provides a basic introduction to Urdu numbers and the changing forms of the letters in the words. The colorful book with interesting pictures is a good way to get familiar with the script of Urdu.

Learn Urdu Basics You Need in 30 Minutes

Learn Urdu language for beginners (1000 sentences) through English

Learning Arabic - Web Pages


Arabic alphabet chart: the 28 letters, Four Forms - explained

Letter name Forms Closest English sound


Isolated: ا
End: ـا
Middle: ـا
Initial: ا



Isolated: ب
End: ب
Middle: ـبـ 
Initial: بـ

(The letter p doesn’t  exist in Arabic, so ‘p’ is also pronounced as ‘b’ by Arabic speakers.)


Isolated: ت
End: ـت
Middle: ـتـ
Initial: تـ t


Isolated: ث
End: ـث
Middle: ثـ
Initial: ثـ

Soft ‘th’, as in thin


Isolated: ج
End: ـج
Middle: ـجـ
Initial: جـ



Isolated: ح
End: ـح
Middle: ـحـ
Initial: حـ

No equivalent, 
but soft h, as if you were blowing out a candle from the back of your throat.


Isolated: خ
Middle: ـخ
End: ـخـ
Initial: خـ

Scottish loch, almost as if gargling

dal Isolated: د
End: ـد
Middle: ـد
Initial: د

dhal Isolated: ذ
End: ـذ
Middle: ـذ
Initial: ذ
Hard ‘th’, as in this

raa Isolated: ر
End: ـر
Middle: ـر
Initial: ر
Soft rolled ‘r’, as in curd

zay Isolated: ز
End: ـز
Middle: ـز
Initial: ـز

siin Isolated: س
End: ـس
Middle: ـسـ
Initial: سـ

shiin Isolated: ش
End: ـش
Middle: ـشـ
Initial: شـ

Saad Isolated: ص
End: ـص
Middle: ـصـ
Initial: صـ
No equivalent, but similar to ss

Dhad Isolated: ض
End: ض
Middle: ـضـ
Isolated: ضـ
No equivalent, but emphatic 'D' similar to dawn from the back of the throat

Taa Isolated: ط
End: ـط
Middle: ـطـ
Initial: ط
No equivalent, but emphatic 'T'

Dhaa Isolated: ظ
End: ـظ
Middle: ـظـ
Initial: ظـ
No equivalent, but emphatic 'th'

hain Isolated: ع
End: ـع
Middle: ـعـ
Initial: عـ
No equivalent, but a guttural stop similar to the pause in uh-oh

ghain Isolated: غ
End: ـغ
Middle: ـغـ
Initial: غـ
No equivalent, but similar to 'gh'/'gr', the sound made when gurgling

faa Isolated: ف
End: ـف
Middle: ـفـ
Initial: فـ

qaaf Isolated: ق
End: ق
Middle: ـقـ
Initial: قـ
No equivalent, but similar to caught from the back of the throat.

kaaf Isolated: ك
End: ـك
Middle: ـكـ
Initial: كـ

laam Isolated: ل
End: لـ
Middle: ـلـ
Initial: لـ

miim Isolated: م
End: ـم
Middle: ـمـ
Initial: مـ

nun Isolated: ن
End: ـن
Middle: ـنـ
Initial: نـ

haa Isolated: ه
End: ـه
Middle: ـهـ
Initial: هـ

waw Isolated: و
End: ـو
Middle: ـو
Initial: و
w/oo, as in boot

yaa Isolated: ي
End: ـي
Middle: ـيـ
Initial: يـ
y/ee, as in meet

Learn Arabic Basics You Need in 30 Minutes 

Dictionary English to Arabic
Find arabic script for

wa, fa- aw, thumma three popular conjunction in Arabic

Ud 31.8.2023

pub. 26.1.2012

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Learn Arabic - Videos

50 Phrases Every Arabic Beginner Must-Know

Khalid Arabic Academy


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Present Tense in Arabic - Fluent in Arabic Academy


Ud. 31.8.2023
Pub. 13.6.2012