I am learning Japanese
私は 日本語 を 学びます。
watashi ha nihongo o manabi masu .
私は 日本語 を 勉強しています
watashi ha nihongo o benkyou shi te i masu
21 Feb 2016
After a very long gap, on international mother language day (21 Feb 2016), I reopened my Japanese materials and created
Learning Japanese Language - Online Book - Lessons and Videos. The newly created structure will help me to relearn very quickly the improve my Japanese in the coming days. I want to read industrial engineering materials in Japanese after learning Japanese.
There is a big break in my learning Japanese. Today I came across the word Zen. Of course it is a letter in Japanese. There are two kanji characters with different meanings
善 - zen - meaning goodness -
禅 - zen - meditation -
http://tangorin.com/general/%E7%A6%85 ,
Came across a Hiragana quiz site. Good facility to check and improve Hiragana character knowledge.
http://jpbasic.com/hiragana-lessions/hiragana-flash-games/learn-japanese-alphabet-by-playing-hiragana-games/ shall use it to improve my Hiragana. Shall also learn Katakana.
A good way of quizzing about Kanji character knowledge is JLPT 5 Kanji table in
Shall use this facility to improve my ability to recognize Kanji characters
While Yuki's story has YouTube videos, that help in understanding the pronunciation, there are more old stories on the net, that can help us in reading more and more Japanese content and improve our language. Momotarou, peach boy story has Japanese script, English translation and some meaning for difficult words. I created Romaji script for it so that I can read the Japanese script easily.
Learn Japanese - Momotarou Peach Boy Story. A professor, created this facility of number of Japanese stories which he used to learn Japanese.
Good videos are there for learning Grammar of Japanese.
Japanese Particles
Now I am going make the reading of Yuki's story as the basis of my learning Japanese for some days. These stories are available with Kanji script for each chapter, YouTube video for each chapter and also words and Kanji characters of each chapter. Therefore, one can read Kanji script and also listen to Japanese pronunciation and thereby improve his language every day.
I prepared two blog posts on Yuki's story.
Yuki's Story Chapter 1 with embedded video
Kanji Characters in Yuki Story - chapter 1
The Kanji characters are being given links of Tangorin.com dictionary so that more vocabulary building can happen.
How I Learned Japanese So Far?
I had tried to learn Japanese first in 2010 and downloaded some files and had a look at some sites. It was on the occasion of my trip to Tokyo. I did not pick any useful things in that attempt. I may remember only one thing. At my departure, the policeman said "arigato". I carried with me the Hiragana script. But is not really useful.
In June 2012, I am updating my various knol books, and I came across the
knol book that I tried to develop on Japanese. I had to change all the links in the collection of articles and in my search I came across
http://www.omniglot.com/writing/japanese_hiragana.htm. The reading of the article made my understand the role of Hiragana in Japanese and I once again started my learning of Japanese. Ths time my learning of Japanese is rather fast. In two or three days, I picked up enough Japanese to search for industrial engineering articles in Japanese. I downloaded a full book on IE from the net in Japanese and started reading it using Google translator.
I also started creating Kanji character articles and collected YouTube videos on Kanji characters.
I came across
http://nihongo.j-talk.com/kanji/ and it is very useful to learn Japanese pronunciation.
I am now using Japanese - English dictionary of www.tangorin.com to know about each new Kanji character and Japanese word.
I have to now make my learning of Hiragana script more stronger and improve my ability to recognize Kanji characters. I am able to remember On-reading and Kun reading of many Kanji characters of Grade I. I made lists of them in A to Z order. For persons learning Japanese through English, any list arranged in the A to Z order will be more useful to remember the words.
Grade I Kanji characters Kun Reading
Grade I Kanji characters On-Reading
According to me, it may not be very difficult to learn some Japanese and there are very good digital resources to help us in learning Japanese.
Updated 21 Feb 2016, 1 Aug 2014