Thursday, January 26, 2012

Learning Dutch - Web Pages


Learning Dutch Alphabet

_________ _________

Russian Pronouns

  • я (I)
  • мы (we)
  • ты (you - singular; thou*)
  • вы (you - plural)
  • он (he)
  • онá (she)
  • онó (it)
  • они (they).

Я иду в школу   - I am going to school

Я  - I
иду  - go
в  - in, to
школу  - School

и - and
но - But
к - to

Learning Russian - Web Pages

How to learn Russian

     5 lessons

Some Russian Words Associated with Knol

Справка  -   Help
ссылка  - Link
общество - Society
Гуманитарные - Humanities

Приветствия  - Greetings
День России - Russia Day
Россия - Russia
день - Day
Приветствий День России  Russia day greetings

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 1 Meanings of Words in Some Shlokas

Chapter 1
Shloka 6

asmakam tu visishishtaa ye tannibodha dwijottama |
naayaka mama sainyasya sangnyartham tanbraveemi te


dwijottama:  O, the best of the twice born (Brahmanas);

nibodha- know
ye vishishta :  (the)distinguished;

asmakam tu:  amongst us also;

nayaka- leaders;

mama: our;

sainyasya: army;

sangnyartham:- for(your) information and identification ;

braveemi: shall name (them);

te:  to you


Sloka 16



anantavijayam rajaa kuntiputro yudhistthirah
nakulah sahadevascha sughoshamanipushpakou



rajaa: the king;

yudhistthirah: Yudhishtthira ;

kuntiputrah: Kunti's son ,

anantavijayam:  conch with the name Anantavijayam;

nakulah: Nakula;

sughosha: conch with the name Sughosha;

sahadeva cha:  and Sahadeva;

manipushpakou: conch named Manipushpakou.

Sanskrit Words and Meanings in Vishnu Sahasranama

Bhaavah: Bhavati iti bhaavah
Bhoota-krit: Bhootani karoti iti bhoota-krit or bhootani krindati iti bhoota-krit
Vishnu: Vishnu is dissolved as Veveshti Vyaapnoti iti Vishnuh
Vis - the root vis means enter
Visvam comes from from the root Vis, to enter

Sameeranah:  The dictionary meaning is the breath

Learning Sanskrit Through English - Part 2 - Pronouns

Aham: I
Tvam: you
Sah: he
Saa: she
tat: that

Learning Sanskrit - Part 3 - Sentences using I and We

The sanskrit word for 'I' is 'aham'
Sentences using I (aham in sanskrit)
The verb is in present tense
aham pathami: I am reading.
aham kreedami: I am playing.
aham suryam pasyami: I am seeing the sun.
The sanskrit word for 'we' is 'vayam'
Sentences using we (vayam  in sanskrit)
The verb is in present tense
vayam vadaamah: We are speaking
vayam dhavaamah: We are running
vayam aagachamah: We are coming
vayam likhamah: We are writing
vayam tishtamah: We are sitting
Visit this page to read more sentences using using 'my' (mama in sanskrit)
"my" is a word denoting possessive case. It is called as sixth case in sanskrit grammar.

Learning Sanskrit Through English - Part 4 - Adjectives


Svetah: white
Krishnah: black
Peetah: yellow
Raktah: red
Haritah: green
Neelah: blue
In Sanskrit the forms of adjectives change gender agreeing with the noun.

Learning Sanskrit - Part 5 - Second Person - You

You is used more for questions on what somebody is doing and what possessions somebody is having and also to give orders or make requests.
tvam: you
kah: who
katham: how
kim: what
tvam kim karoshi: What are you doing?
Visit the page for some questions involving you

Learning Sanskrit - Part 6 - Vocabulary - Masculine Nouns - 1

Masculine Gender
Chetah: mind
Moordhanah: head
nandanah: son
pradeepah: light
Started posting on 1.1.2009

Learning Sanskrit - Part 7 - Vocabulary -Feminine Nouns – 2

Nouns - Feminine Gender

abhidhaa: name
chanchu: beak
dris: eye
langalee: tender coconut
sibikaa: palanquin
vibhuuti: prosperity
Started on 2.1.2002

Learning Sanskrit - Part 8 - Vocabulary - Neuter Gender Nouns – 3 - Neuter Gender

vyanjan: An article used in cooking food
shasan: order
Vyoman: sky
Gurukul: school run by a teacher
paar: the other bank of canal or river
First Posted on 5.1.2009 on Knol

Learning Sanskrit - Part 9 - Vocabulary - Adjectives

kshar: salty, saline
kulin: born of a noble family
mardit: rubbed
nihswan: noiseless
niratisay: unsurpassed, matchless
First posted 6.1.2009

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Articles: A, An, and The - English Grammar

In the English language there are two types of articles: definite (the) and indefinite (a and an).
Indefinite articles are used to denote singular number nouns where identity of the person or thing is not established.
'an' is the indefinite articles used before words starting with a,e,i,o or u. 'a' is used before all other words.
'The' the definite article is used before nouns that refer to particular thing, person, animal or place or noun which is already mentioned in the essay, article or a sentence.
Example: I lost the pen, that I purchased yesterday in the shop along with you.
I implemented the suggestion, you had given me.
The is used before a single noun when it is used to represent a whole class.
The dog is a friendly animal.
The lion is the king of forest.
The is used before the names of seas, rivers, oceans, gulfs, groups of islands (but not used before single island) and mountain ranges.
The is also used before the names of holy books, newspapers, magazines, ships, trains and well known buildings.
The is used before directions and unique objects.
The is used before superlative degree terms. Sometimes it is used before comparative degree term.
Ordinal numbers are preceded by the.
The used with people of a particular country and community. But it is not used before languages.
The is used before dates.